I lost money on property. Should I sell or push on?

Next webinar: Tuesday 8th April at 7pm. 

If you feel like you're never gonna get a return on your properties - this is the webinar for you. 

If you’re thinking of investing in property, you should definitely come along so you know what can go wrong.

Register to come along. More details to come.

Ed and Andrew podcast mode wide

Your hosts

Andrew Nicol, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Opes Partners, has created over 3,000 wealth plans for Kiwis and owns more than 40 investment properties himself. He's dedicated to helping New Zealanders grow their wealth through property investment.

Ed McKnight, Chief Economist at Opes Partners, is renowned for his data-driven insights and thorough analysis of the property market. He brings valuable, actionable advice to investors looking to make informed property decisions.