Get ready to buy your first or next investment property

Thinking of investing in property but feeling lost? Maybe you got a 'no' from your bank.

No worries. We can help you get ready to buy your next investment property.

Get investment ready

Ready to invest but hit a roadblock?

Picture this: you think you're on the path to financial freedom. But the bank stops you in your tracks. Ouch. What do you do now?

A lot of us think investing in property is the answer. But getting that loan? Not always easy.

Yet, things will get better. The bank will usually let you borrow more over time. That's because your house value might go up, you might get a pay rise, and you'll slowly pay off your mortgage.

So, if today's answer is 'no', maybe in 6 years it'll be 'yes'. But who wants to wait that long? What if there's a faster way? Like, making it happen in a year or two? 

That's what you can do with Investment Ready.

We want to help you grow an investment portfolio. So we'll find out what's stopping you from getting a mortgage. Then we'll create a plan to help you fix it.

What is the Investment Ready process?

These 4 steps are expanded out to an 8-step journey to get you investment-ready. We'll walk you through each step.

  1. 01

    Choose your strategy

    To invest in property, you need to know how much money you’ll need. And that is determined by the strategy you choose. In New Zealand, there are two strategies that most property investors tend to use – The Passive Buy and Hold and the BRRRR.

  2. 02

    Choose your mortgage plays

    Mortgage plays aim to speed the process up. That means you can buy your first or next investment property more quickly. To choose the right mortgage plays for you, you need to know what’s holding you back – equity, income (servicing), or both.

  3. 03

    Regular reviews

    Every 3 months, you need to meet with your mortgage adviser to ensure you’re on track for your goals, that you’ve done what you needed to over the last 90 days, and then set new 90 day goals.

  4. 04

    Buy the investment property

    As you get closer, eventually, your mortgage adviser will say, “I think you are ready.” You get your mortgage application to the bank, get the “yes,” and start to invest in property.

How much will it cost me?


  • Find out what's holding you back from buying an investment property
  • Work with a mortgage adviser to get ready to invest
  • Get guided through the 8 steps to get Investment Ready
  • Create a plan to get Investment Ready
  • Meet with mortgage adviser every 90 days to review progress
  • No cost to you, the investor

How much does the Investment Ready service cost?

Here’s the best part: it's $0. Yup, free.

Why is it free? We want to help all Kiwis become investors. If we help you to get in the position to invest, maybe you'll use us to get your mortgage.

Is this the right programme for me?

I should do this programme if:

  • I don't know where to start
  • The bank said 'no' to me and I don't know what to do next.
  • I want to invest now rather than in 6 years time.
  • And finally, you’re ready to become a property investor.

I shouldn't do this programme if:

  • I'm not willing to do the steps to get myself financially ready.
  • I'm not willing to commit to getting Investment Ready.

"You've told me everything I need to do to get invest ready, why should I still use a mortgage adviser?"

You might be thinking this ...

I get it, lots of people think that.

Some people think a mortgage adviser's job is to get the lowest interest rate.

But today? Whether you have an adviser or go solo, you're probably looking at the same rates.

The real benefit of a mortgage adviser is that they can help you set up your mortgage to either pay it off faster, save on interest, or get ready to borrow more money.

How have other people found Investment Ready?

  • 5/5 stars

    She stuck with me for over a year

    I can’t thank Anna enough. She went over and above to get me into my first home. She stuck with me for over a year and guided me through what I needed to do, to get where I needed to be. 10/10 service and communication. I’d recommend her to anyone looking to buy a property. She’s really passionate about her job and really cares for her clients

    Arrum A
  • 5/5 stars

    On track to buy my first investment

    I can't recommend the Investment Ready service enough. They have been guiding me the whole way for over a year. I've been working hard to improve my equity and servicing and am on track to buy my first investment property in a few months!!

    Holly F

Request a call with a mortgage adviser from Opes Mortgages

Here's what will happen next

Once you submit this form, we'll give you a call to discuss your investment ready plan.

1. A team member from Opes will be in touch to see if this service is the right fit for you.

2. You'll be paired up with a mortgage adviser that is best suited for your situation.

3. This is where the fun begins, you'll start the investment ready process.