Brittany White

Licensee | Team Leader

Hi, I’m Brittany the Licensee (Eligible Officer) and Team Leader for Opes Property. 

I turned my passion for properties into a career after graduating from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Property and becoming a qualified financial advisor. With a keen eye for property investment, I'm all about finding the best property deals across the country.

Here at Opes, we handpick only the top choices from trusted developers across the nation. And when it comes to the serious stuff like compliance, risk management, and property law, I've got it covered. I make sure our clients are stepping into their investment journeys with confidence and protection.

I'm also the go-to person for our property developers, helping them get on board with us and overseeing a successful sell-down. 

In my spare time I like to head up north or down south to visit friends and family, I also love a good excuse to go skiing or enjoy a cocktail with some epic scenes.

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