Eversleigh four avenues

I want to work with Opes Property as a developer. Where do I start?

Developing residential projects is a big deal.

It involves a lot of steps from start to finish.

That’s where Opes can help make it easier for you.

What can Opes do for me as a property developer?

There are 6 main services where we can help you as a property developer.

You don’t have to use all 6 of our services. You can use 1, 4, 6 or however many you like. No matter how you choose to work with us, you’ll get personalised advice. This will be catered to you and your project(s).

Here are 6 ways we can help you

  • Help you find the right areas to build

    We look at the data so you know where investors want to buy. This helps you sell your properties faster.
  • Help you run the numbers

    Is your project financially viable? Are the numbers working? We help you understand the returns you could make (and the risks).
  • Help you build the right houses

    We look at the data so that you build the properties that people actually want. This helps you sell them faster.
  • Help you market your project

    We have an always-on marketing machine. This means we have investors who are qualified and ready to buy.
  • Help you sell your projects

    We can sell your properties off-market to investors. Our investors are qualified and ready to buy. This helps sell your properties faster.
  • Help you manage the client relationship

    We take care of everything for you with our sales, admin, and client relationship teams.

Per Unit


per unit + GST

How much does it cost to work with Opes?

Our pricing is paid once the client goes unconditional. You'll receive an invoice after 7 days once this happens.

Real Estate Agents vs Opes Property

Opes Property

  • No marketing fees. We only charge when the sale goes through. No hidden fees. No waiting for marketing materials.

  • Open and always on marketing and content machine. 

    An active email database of over 40,000 subscribers.

    A combined social media presence of 68,000 followers.

    100,000+ podcast downloads each month.

  • Properties sold off-market. They don't get lost on TradeMe.

  • Opes has good working relationships with banks and financiers to help buyers get their lending across the line. 

  • We charge a flat fee. 

    $25,000 - $30,000 per unit +GST 

  • We have investors that are qualified and ready to buy. 

  • We're here for you and clients until settlement. We'll manage the clients for you. 

  • We can sell off-the-plan projects. Investors buy based on numbers. We take the emotion out of real estate. 

Real Estate Agents

  • You pay for marketing. You'll also need to wait for marketing photos and TradeMe listings (which could take months)

  • You deal with individual marketing/real estate teams. Reach is limited. 

  • Market saturation. Your project could get lost in the hundreds of TradeMe listings. 

  • Clients don't always settle.

  • They charge a percentage. This can vary due to tiered pricing. 

  • Wait/find buyers for your project. 

  • Once the project is sold, they are hands off. 

  • Can't sell off-the-plan projects. They don't have the expertise to sell to investors. 

I want to work with Opes Property

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Who will I be working with?

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Frequently Asked Questions