
6 min read

Opes+ Roadmap: What’s coming next?

What's coming next? Here is a roadmap of Opes+


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In September 2024 we released Opes+.

It’s an app that helps you run the numbers on your investment properties. That way you can make an informed decision about what properties to buy (and which to keep).

For years we’ve given away free spreadsheets, but we often received feedback they were confusing and not easy to use.

We heard that feedback and built Opes+. So far, we’ve had great feedback from you guys – the Opes community. You’ve told us about bugs and other features you want to see.

That’s why we’ve decided to build Opes+ ‘in the open’.

That means developing it alongside you, our users and community of property investors.

If we tell you what we’re building, you can give us feedback. That way we’re constantly improving and we build the most useful features first.

So here is the roadmap of what we plan to build (and when). 

Let me know your thoughts down in the comments section. 

Let me know what you like and what you don’t like. That way we can adjust the roadmap if we need to.

Opes+ Today

The first version of Opes+ is what’s called a Minimum Viable Product.

That means we wanted to get an app in your hands as soon as possible. So today, Opes+ only has the most essential features.

We didn’t want to wait a year to get it in your hands to test. Instead, we released it after only 3 months. That way you can immediately start to use it and give feedback.

So at the moment it lets you:

  • Calculate the potential returns and cash flows for your properties
  • Compare the numbers on different properties
  • See the cashflow and returns of all your properties (as a portfolio).

We effectively wanted to replace our old Return on Investment spreadsheet, but add in a few more features too.

Here's an example of what your dashboard will look like:

Opes+ example

Opes dashboard example

What we’re working on right now

As well as fixing little bugs and errors, we’re also working on a couple of new features.

Some will be for the general public, but there are also some special features for Opes Partners clients.

You’ll get more information about your cashflows

The first feedback I’ve heard has come from people who used and loved my old spreadsheets.

That’s because it gave you A LOT of detail about the numbers on your property. But, the new app intentionally took that away. That’s because some people found it confusing.

So we’ll make spreadsheet lovers and non-spreadsheet lovers happy.

Soon you’ll be able to click on the cashflow graphs and see the numbers in a table format. That way you’ll better understand what’s going on.

We also plan to build this for other key numbers like the Return on Investment calculation.

Status: In design. Expected launch – late October

Property Packs (for Opes clients)

Whenever you buy a property through Opes we give you a Property Pack (it’s an information pack about the property).

In the past this was a PDF with the data and information you need to make an informed investment decision.

Soon these will all be in Opes+. That means it will be a ‘live’ property pack.

The data will update as soon as new numbers are released, and you’ll be able to see which properties in a development have already sold (in real time).

This means all your property packs will be in one place. It’ll also mean you have the real time data you need to make the right investment decision.

Status: In development

What we’re working on next

The next big piece of functionality is a tool that will help you see how many properties you can buy.

We previewed a spreadsheet that did this at a recent webinar … and over 5,000 people registered to come!

We’re going to take that spreadsheet (the Investment Ready spreadsheet) and give you those features inside Opes+.

That means you can input your financial information, and it will forecast how fast you can grow your investment portfolio.

We’ll also include Artificial Intelligence (AI) in this feature. We’re training AI to understand how banks decide whether to give you a mortgage or not.

Then it will tell you what sort of properties to buy (and when) to maximise your wealth.

We may start by just releasing this feature to Opes Partners financial advisers and clients. That way we can test it thoroughly and there is a financial adviser to help you use it.

We do plan to eventually get this in the hands of all Opes+ users.

Status: Pre-design. We’re currently building the spreadsheets we need. We plan for this to be live in the first quarter of 2025.

What we’re working on after that

After the AI features launch, we want to make property investment simple. That means seeing all your:

  • Property management statements
  • Property management inspection reports
  • Accounting tax returns
  • Mortgage information

All in one place.

Our plan is that Opes+ will be the one place you manage your investment properties and communicate with your Property Panel. That’s your group of professionals who help you run your portfolio.

We think this will make it faster and simpler to run your portfolio. This feature will be free for all Opes Partners clients.

Status: Not started. We plan for this to be live in mid-2025

What’s coming late 2025

After we build most of the key features, we want to build and release an iPhone and Android app.

Some people have asked: “Why don’t you do that straight away”. After all, it seems like the obvious next step after launching the first version of Opes+.

The main reason is there are only so many features you can build at once.

So we’d rather build new features before pausing to create a mobile app.

If we build the features first, we can find out what’s most useful to people. Then we can build the app.

It’s also important to mention that Opes+ currently works on your phone too. You can already access it through your mobile web browser.

So we will build an app. It’s just not ready yet.

Status: Not started. We plan for this to be live in late-2025.

And there’s even more

We’ll also keep improving the core Opes+ app. This will happen while we’re building these other features.

We don’t want the current app to stand still.

The good news is we’ve already got over 100 pieces of feedback, bugs and ideas from the Opes community. We’re working on these now.

There’s a lot of potential with Opes+. And to realise that potential we need your help.

We’re building this for you – the everyday property investor.

So now you know what we plan to build, what do you think? Do you think we’ve go the roadmap right? Or, what would you change?

Let me know down in the comments section. That way I’ll know what we should build first.

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Andrew Nicol

Managing Director, 20+ Years' Experience Investing In Property, Author & Host

Andrew Nicol, Managing Director at Opes Partners, is a seasoned financial adviser and property investment expert with 20+ years of experience. With 40 investment properties, he hosts the Property Academy Podcast, co-authored 'Wealth Plan' with Ed Mcknight, and has helped 1,894 Kiwis achieve financial security through property investment.

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