EP: 114
EP: 46•
In this episode, you’ll learn 4 ways to get out of your build contract … while it’s still being built.
Maybe your family has welcomed a baby, or maybe you’ve been made redundant. Or maybe, you’ve changed your mind about the property’s place in your portfolio.
Either way, sometimes life happens and you need to sell your property. Here's how you do it.
EP: 114
EP: 113
In this episode, you’ll learn what debt consolidation is and how it works. If you have a whole heap of little loans you struggle to keep track of, debt consolidation might be worth considering. But it comes with risk. To read the article on the Opes Partners website click here.
EP: 112
In this episode, you’ll learn whether or not rent-vesting is the right choice for you.
It may be the best of both worlds – on the property ladder while enjoying the flexibility of renting – but it’s not for everyone.
To read the article on the Opes Partners website click here.
EP: 111
In this episode, you’ll learn the key differences between buying insurance online vs with a broker. The answers might surprise you. While most Kiwis feel they might be “hoodwinked” by an insurance adviser … you might pay too much if you choose an online policy. To read the article on the Opes Partners website click here.