Q: What is Andrew Nicol’s net worth?
“How much is Andrew Nicol’s net worth?” is the most Googled question when people search Andrew.
Now, he doesn’t want people to think he’s trying to make himself appear more important than he is, and he doesn’t like the thought of flashing money around. But people are searching for this, and we believe in being as transparent as possible.
So, while Andrew Nicol’s net worth is undisclosed, let’s summarise the information you might want to know.
(All of this information is publicly available online)
- Andrew is a director and owns 60% of Opes Partners. The Opes Group has about 90 employees.
- Andrew has been self-employed since he was 21.
- Andrew has been investing in property since he was 19. He began investing in property in 2003.
- He currently owns around 40 properties (it often changes month-to-month).
- Over 21 years, the average house price in New Zealand has increased 297%. That’s from the start of 2003 to mid-2024. (Andrew doesn’t own all these properties alone. Many were bought with business partners).
- He bought his first and only home at the tender age of 36.
- He also invests privately in other companies.