Are G.J. Gardner homes properties good investments?
Because we’ve recommended a selection of G.J. Gardner Homes properties to our investors in the past, naturally we do think some of their properties are good investments.
However, we haven’t recommended many of their properties to investors over the last few years.
Why? Well, not all good properties will make good investments.
And although we have no concerns about G.J. Gardner’s ability to build a house – some of their homes are better suited to owner-occupiers searching to build their family’s forever home rather than for property investors looking for the best return.
This is because at a certain price a property is no longer a good investment.
For example, the 2-bed property in Stanmore Bay for $985k, mentioned earlier, would be too expensive to meet the mark of a good investment property. Particularly considering how far it is out of the city, where vacancy could become an issue.
Compare that to a property in Auckland Opes is currently recommending.
There is a set of 3-bedroom townhouses for $840k in Mangere, and $859k in Glen Eden. These townhouses are closer to the city, have more bedrooms, are lower priced, and will likely have higher tenant demand.
Whereas the 2-bed in Stanmore Bay – while a standalone property – is 40km out of central Auckland and may not be as popular with tenants.