In this initial meeting, we’ll recap what it’s like to work with us. This includes what you can expect from us and all costs (including the hidden ones).
If you decide to work with us, you’ll sign a property management agreement.
You don’t need to sign it immediately. But, we do need it before you settle and pay for the property. That’s to make sure it’s rented on time.
So, often investors like to get this out of the way early.
Investors can have some questions we can’t answer at this point, like:
- “What is the exact date my property will be finished?”
- “When, exactly, can we get the property on the market?”
- “What is the exact rent I 100% will get?”
We can give you our best guess on all these questions, but the exact answers can change based on how long the build takes. And, keep in mind, we’re not building the property ourselves.
It’s also important to point out that if your property is nearly built, this meeting may happen about 10 days before you pay for the property (settlement).